Sabtu, 06 Mei 2017

lower abdomen pain

well, what does the women in pain conference mean to me? a whole heck of a lot! as someone who's been very sick the last few years especially, it's been harder. i can't even tell you what's it's meant to me. when i

lower abdomen pain, first came a few years ago, it was an indescribable feeling of being somewhere where i was truly accepted, as is. no expectations, no judgements

-- just this amazing warmth and friendship that felt like family. it is--it's like my home awayfrom home & i look forward to it every year! and it's just something you have to experiencein person... sometime, whenever you can. maybe thisyear, i hope? because it's just so wonderful. and... please come no matter how sick you are, no matter how hard you think it's gonna be. it won't be, i promise you... because we're all there together, we're

all going through the same thing and there's even a wellness room if you need to lay down or sit down in a different way, away from the table &chairs. you can stretch, you can lay on a

lower abdomen pain

mat on the floor. bring things if you need, really. be as comfortable as you canbecause this is our conference and i really hope you'll come and i really hope to meet you there. come to the women in pain conference because it's our conference. thank you.

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