hi, i'm marty at factory cleaning equipment.you can reach us at 800-793-3790. today i want to talk about used and rebuilt floorcleaning equipment. the market for these machines has skyrocketed over the past few years, wehave sold hundreds of rebuilt scrubbers and sweepers to companies large and small. everyone'slooking to cut costs and this is a good way to do that. however, when buying a used machinethere are a few things you need to know. used

floor scrubber is a very broad term. muchof the value of the machine is determined by the environment it is used in. machinesthat were placed in very corrosive environments could have been suseptible to rust and othertypes of corrosions that you can't see from just a few pictures. very often the real problemsare hidden under the machine. a used scrubber
value is also dependant on the operator whotook care of it. we've scrapped out machines that have less than 500 hours, and we've alsobeen able to rebuild machines that have thousands of hours. a machine that was driven wrecklessly,never cleaned out, or abused will lose much of its value quickly. the life expectancyof a machine is dependant on the operator taking care of it. rebuilt scrubbers and sweepersare also a very broad term. you'll find that many use mismatch batteries or used partsfrom other machines to make them work. you need to know specifically what has been doneto the used scrubber that you'll be getting. rebuilding a used floor machine should include:new batteries, new brushes, new squeegees, new side wipers, belts, hoses, all of thecircuit breakers should be replaced too. we
rebuild engines, tune them, valve jobs, replacecarbon brushes and motors. bearings are also important. anything less means that you willprobably be buying some very expensive parts shortly after receiving your machine. seriouslyconsidar who you are buying equipment from. is the company established? have they beenaround long enough to support you when the machine breaks, will the manufacturer haveparts that you need? are there good manuals available? it may sound like basic things,but many scrubbers on the market lack adequate support after the sale. when you buy a usedfloor scrubber or sweeper on ebay or craigslist
advantage car rental las vegas reviews,remember, you may not have any leverage oncethe sale is completed if you have a problem. buying rebuilt or used floor cleaning equipmentcan save you thousands of dollars if you do
your homework. remember that the best valueis not always the lowest price. you can reach us at 800- 793-3790 or on the web at www.thesweeper.com
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