the daimler project,i became involved with that through the large technologyside of the museum. and we actually got asked towith the team, we actually went to adelaidewhere the vehicle was. it did look magnificent,iĆ¢€™ve got to say.

but on closer examination the carwas in a quite poor condition. we had to look at the interior andthe exterior parts of the car, such as taping of the headlightsso the glasses didn't shatter removing anythingthat could fall off
on the trip fromadelaide to canberra. it did come over in an enclosedtruck, the vehicle was winched on. basically wrapping it up in cottonwool so it came as a complete unit. what we hope to do is to represent thevehicle in its original 1954 form. in order to do that, weaim to have it functioning again. it will involveextensive work on the mechanicals. we'd like to hear the engine purrlike a straight eight should. we also want to retain as muchof the original coach work as possible to give the originalimpression of what it should be.
the mechanical side of it isgoing to be a major issue. unfortunately the investigationswe have done so far on all the mechanics isthe whole braking system has completely rusted upand seized and so forth. the major other drama thatthe vehicle has is that the engine has a brokencrankshaft, which will mean that the engine will have tobe completely redone. it's a real challenge for us. we've got to get to a stage where we can actually pull it apart and assess it,
and how much we're going tohave to do it mechanically. with the daimler to separate the bodyfrom the chassis, my function at this stagehas been to disconnect everything that joins thechassis to the body such as the electrics, the fuelsystem, all the heater pipes, the air conditioning typesystem that was in the car so that, when the body comes offwe want it to come away cleanly and not be still joined bysome small piece of wiring or something that we may destroyand we don't need to do that.
we have to be sure that when wego to put it back together again, everything still fits and itall goes back as it should do. the daimler certainly is avery impressive vehicle. it's close to sixmetres in length. it had a straight eight, fiveand a half litre engine. it has a body that wasbuilt by hooper & co. in london so it was built byprofessional coach builders. there's a lot of acraftsmanship in this vehicle, which makes it a particularlyinteresting project to be working on.
it's heavy. it's big. it has a real presence to it.
car hire jersey st helier,it would have been abeast of a thing, a real stately vehiclethat would have a growl, a little rumble as it rolled down the street. it would have been quitesomething to see.
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