why are there so many songs about rainbows? these are the first lyrics from the songrainbow connection that kermit the frog sings in the muppets movie. but this is kind of a loaded question. are there really that many songs about rainbowsor is kermit full of crap?

let's find out. "queries of the interweb." how's it going guys? my name is joel.
if you want to see some lazily researchedanswers to questions nobody cares about, hit that subscribe button so that you don't missanything. let's talk about rainbow songs. now when i say rainbow songs, i'm not talkingabout the british rock band rainbow that started in the late seventies that's led by ritchieblackmore because nobody really cares about them. we're talking about songs that exclusivelyare about rainbows because kermit the frog, apparently thinks that he can just ask thesequestions and then nobodies going to... you know, nobody's gonna critique him, alright,'cause he's a frog and he's fictional.
when i googled a list of rainbow songs, aboutfifty one results showed up at the top. if i'm going to be more thorough i guess,i guess i got to check out somewhere else to see if there's any more rainbow songs. i went through about five websites. they each give between forty and sixty songsthat are about rainbows. a website called overthinkit.com, which isa great name of a website by the way, lists about forty-two songs about rainbows. with the vast amount of research i did, ididn't find any site that had more than like sixty songs that were exclusively about rainbows.
so i'm just going to go ahead and assume thatthat's the range we're looking at song wise. bottom line, there really isn't that manysongs about rainbows. i don't know why kermit the frog is blowingsmoke. there's aren't that many rainbow songs kermitand maybe if you stopped porking miss piggy every now and then, you would know that. so why are there so many songs about rainbows? uh, there aren't kermit. we should all just just start a sh** on kermitday. so what do you guys think?
do you think there's more than sixty songsabout rainbows? do you think there's more than a hundred songsabout rainbows, a thousand songs about rainbow's? let me know what you think in the comments.
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